Hi, this is my personal website. Welcome to the about page. I go with Nour most of the time. This website is mostly just random thoughts, ongoing projects and miscellaneous things. I'll try to keep it nice and organized but no promises. I wrote this website using HTML and CSS and am hosting it on github pages.
I plan to write a general blog when I feel like it (it's not like it matters to anyone anyways). I'll also try to keep some form of indication to my current projects (again, doesn't seem like it would matter to most). Further, I'll probably keep track of what I'm reading at the moment, reading recommendations, movie recommendations, and gaming recommendations. I tend to ramble on, so expect a lot of run on's.
As of writing this I am persuing a degree in the sciences, and am a freshman in uni. Though it's probably going to be along the lines of Physics and/or Math. This leads me to say that I am interested in both subjects and plan to persue a career in them (how surprising).
I like to cook, though I haven't in a while due to some restrictions. I hope to get back to it soon. I have decent experience in just making pizza, and know too much about it if we're being honest. I also play the classical guitar (yes, I'll keep note of what I'm doing with that as well). But yeah, welcome to my website. Have fun watching it evolve if that happens.
Note: As this website goes through development, more and more tiny youtube video links will pop up. Please disregard those.
